We are so grateful to the people who are on the rota to count and bank our offerings each week. However, we have recently lost a couple of our counters and are down to 13 people on the rota, which means that when the new rota is drawn up for January to April 2018, the counters will be on duty once every 6 weeks which is more often than we think is desirable. So we are looking for four more counters. Could you be one of them? Counters work in pairs to count the money immediately after the 11am service is finished. The only rewards are the grateful thanks of our Churchwardens and Treasurer, coffee or tea and biscuits, and the knowledge that they are performing a valuable and important service. Our treasurer, Andrew, will be preparing the rota for January to April in a couple of weeks’ time. If you would like to join the loyal band of counters and bankers, please have a word with Andrew (tel: 01793 725526) as soon as possible.