We had 12 children in one of our children’s groups last week and 11 in another. And that doesn’t include the little ones in Scramblers and the young people in Challengers. First of all, we need to see a big thank you to everybody who works so hard week by week to make these groups happen. If it weren’t for all the people volunteering, while juggling their own families and jobs, we would never be able to provide this level of Christian teaching. Thank you so much.

This week it’s half term. And next week too. Experience tells us that lot of children are going to be away. So we are giving our leaders a well-deserved break this morning. Today all our children will be together, enjoying Shaun the sheep. Shaun and Jesus have a story in common which we will look at in the service.

I guess it shows that people haven’t changed much in 2000 years.