UPDATE: The retiring offerings and gifts on the last two Sundays totalled £603 including Gift Aid tax to be recovered. Any further gifts for the Haiti Appeal should be passed to our Treasurer, Andrew, or to one of the Churchwardens (Sharon and John) in envelopes marked ‘Haiti Appeal’ and with your name if the donation is to be gift-aided. Cheques should be made payable to St. John’s PCC.
The devastation caused by winds of up to 145 mph in Hurricane Matthew has left over 1,000 people dead in Haiti. It is described as the worst in over 50 years and has left a trail of catastrophic damage including widespread flooding and landslides. Between 3 and 5 million people have been affected with many thousands of homes, farms and much of the nation’s harvest destroyed.
Tearfund has been at work in Haiti for more than 30 years. There is a huge need for emergency aid and assistance including food and fresh water, hygiene and sanitation (there is a serious cholera risk), shelter for those made homeless, and help with agriculture and livestock. Today, and next Sunday, there will be a plate at the door for retiring offerings after both services to enable you to support Tearfund’s crisis work in Haiti. Cheques should be made payable to St. John’s PCC. Please indicate if you would like your gift to be gift-aided.